Larch Mountain Boulders
A quality bouldering site in close proximity to Vancouver and Portland.
From Camas, WA
- Go north on State 500 road, and drive east at Fern Prairie store.
- Go north on Livingston Road for several miles to a road split at the top of the hill.
- Take the right onto a gravel road (L1000) for 2 miles to a 4-way junction.
- Turn right and go uphill (east) on gravel road L1500 for 1 mile to a place where L1500 road veers abruptly right at a yellow gate (aka "the west yellow gate").
- Continue on a relatively flat stretch of gravel road for two miles to the East Yellow Gate.
- Park here and walk uphill on a gated road 1/4 mile to the Wild West knoll formation.
- It is recommended that you bring 1-2 crash pads for most of the common problems.
- Cell phone reception is good.
- There can be noise from target practice as there are some quarry sites nearby.