Hamilton BouldersQuality and popular andesite bouldering site located in Beacon Rock state park.
InformationYear around bouldering is possible here.
Shade can be found in summer and lots of sun in the winter months. The rock dries fast as well. A very short hike from the Equestrian trailhead to the boulders makes for convenient climbing. The entire boulder talus field is quite extensive, and additional zones have been developed on the upper talus tiers. The upper tiers see a bit less interest due to the considerable extra uphill hike time involved, but it has a small number of high quality classic lines even in the upper zones. A Discovery Pass is required to park in the state park. Bring cash for day use or purchase a year long pass. |
From Vancouver, WA
- Drive east on State Route 14 for 35 miles to Beacon Rock State Park.
- Turn north on paved Kueffler Road, and drive uphill 1 mile.
- Turn right onto the equestrian entrance gravel road and continue ¼ mile to the Horse Camp parking lot and hiking trail.
- Walk north past the white gate till you see the boulder talus field.
- A narrow path wanders uphill onto the talus to the first boulders.
- This is a state park and so a fee is required at this site.